Monday, May 07, 2007


Hi all!
We're chugging along. We had a very exciting week last week. We got a call from the lead singer of the band that sings the last song in the film. For those of you who have seen it, you know who that is. For the rest of you, we will reveal that information soon.

Let me just paint the picture. I'm 71/2 months pregnant, packing boxes because my family's moving, and I realize that I haven't heard my cell phone ring in a while. I turn it on and check my messages and there's one from one of the biggest rock stars in America! Holy crap!!!! Needless to say, I jumped up and down for about 20 minutes, despite Peter's pleas to calm down. And let me just say, this man is exceedingly down to earth, compationate and kind. I'm glad I was a fan of his and I will always be! Oh yeah, and he is letting us use his song! For free!!!! As Don says, gratis is our new favorite word! Anyway, what a thrill! Oh, and this person is also friends with two of the people we are trying to get to narrate. Do you think it was a coincedence that just three days after this phone call we got an email with one of the narrators assistants email and phone number to set up an appointment? I don't!

Anyway, I'm really hoping that the next blog has some very good news on the narrator front! Keep your fingers crossed!!